活動主題 | CAD/CAM in Dentistry: Working with a full digital workflow |
活動日期 | 2017/6/4 09:00 ~ 2017/6/4 12:20 |
活動地區 | 國內 |
活動地點 | ABC聯盟牙醫診所7樓 ( 高雄市前金區中華三路129號 ) |
主講人 | W.J.(Joerd) van der Meer |
參加對象 | 會員/非會員 歡迎參加 |
活動內容 | CAD/CAM technology and digital workflow have made radical changes in procedures in Dentistry. This technological shift lead to highly reliable treatment results with unsurpassed quality and it all starts with data acquisition, ie the impression, which has to be highly accurate and detailed. This is made possible with the currently available intra-oral scanners. Apart from digital acquisition, tremendous development have been accomplished in the field of computer aided design and manufacturing. The latter has undergone a true revolution thanks to new materials that have been developed over the last few years. In this lecture Dr Van Der Meer will describe and compare conventional versus digital workflow focusing on data acquisition as well as discuss on potential harbingers of an irreversible change in our conventional dental pursuits. You’ll also learn on how to bring all of the technologies together to start going digital in your clinics. Is the future of Dentistry truly digital and is it for you? 報名方式: 1. 郵政劃撥 帳號- 18658930 戶名- 中華民國牙體復形學會 ( 繳費完請來電告知吳小姐 , 02-23826145 ) 2. 現場報名 報名費: 會員1200元, 非會員1500元, 學生1000元 既納款項, 概不退還 (需要學分證明者, 另繳交100元證書費 ) 參加課程之學員,本會提供茶水、點心。
主辦單位 | 中華民國牙體復形學會 |
協辦單位 | ABC聯盟牙醫診所7樓 ( 高雄市前金區中華三路129號 ) |
認定時數 | 積分類別 | ||
認定積分 | 3.4 | 認定字號 | (106)學教字第076號 |
聯絡人 | 吳小姐 | 聯絡電話 | 02-23826145 |
傳真 | 02-23826145 | 電子信箱 | oda@od.url.tw |
附檔 |
報名日期 | 106.03.16 ~ 106.06.04 | 開立收據 | 是 |
收費 | 收費 | 提供餐食 |
Coffee break |
費用 |
會 員:1200元
總人數限制 | 總人數:11/150 人 (報名人數/上限) |